Step 1 in Building Your Personal Brand

What exactly is your personal brand?

Fundamentally, your personal brand is your reputation. It’s how you show up in the world, what you are known for, what people think of you, and your areas of expertise and credibility.

In marketing today, building a personal brand is about humanizing your business, and showing the people, founders, experts, or leaders behind a brand.

Learning the skills to strategically develop and build your personal brand can help your business grow regardless of if you’re a small business owner, creative, entrepreneur, CEO, or company executive.

So where do you begin?

Step 1 is to reflect. Building a personal brand starts with getting clear on what you want to be known for, your areas of expertise, your values, and unique personality traits. We’ve created a reflection worksheet to help you get started.

Download our Personal Brand Reflection Exercise Worksheet HERE.


5 Experts & Small Business Owners Share Their Top Tips for Building a Personal Brand


From Scrappy Startup to Multi-Million Dollar Business with Bill Creelman, Founder of Spindrift