Pitch Ideas to Send in February
After putting pen to paper last month on your goals and timeline with our 2024 Small Business Planner (linked HERE), hopefully you are feeling organized and excited to share what is coming up in your business with editors and influencers. Read on below for pitch ideas to send this month.
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Timing is everything when it comes to landing press coverage. Whether you’re pitching yourself as an expert, or pitching a product or service, understanding lead times and when to reach out is just as important as who to reach out to, and your pitch angle. Planning ahead around seasonal themes and trends will help you to position yourself, or your product or service, and to get on the radar with editors at just the right time.
We’ve outlined a handful of pitch ideas and themes below to help you craft pitch angles to send out in this month.
Short Lead Pitch Angles
Short Lead publications work ~1-2 months in advance. This includes online versions of a magazine, digital-only publications, blogs, podcasts, newsletters and newspapers.
Spring-Themed Pitch Angles
Spring cleaning, organization & home refresh
Spring entertaining ideas & recipes
Gardening tips/inspiration
Spring decor inspiration
Spring break & travel tips/ideas
Spring fashion trends & outfits
Spring Holiday Pitch Angles
International Women’s Day
St. Patrick’s Day (green product roundups)
Earth Day (sustainability tips, products, etc.)
Easter/Passover (decorating, recipes, gifts, product roundups)
Mother’s Day (gifts, activities, recipes)
Memorial Day (travel, style, recipes, etc.)
Graduation (gifts)
Long Lead Pitch Angles
Long Lead publications are primarily print magazines (regional and national) that work around ~4-6+ months in advance.
Summer-Themed Pitch Angles
Summer activities (local or while traveling)
Summer outfits
Travel & packing
Summer Holiday Pitch Angles
Father’s Day (gifts)
July 4th (travel, packing, outfits, entertaining/recipes)
Back to School (products, organization tips, etc)
Using this list, come up with a few seasonal pitch angles that make sense for your. business. Remember to research each contact and publication before reaching out, and personalize all of your emails. If it’s your first time emailing someone, be sure to introduce yourself and show that you’ve done your research!
For more guidance on pitching, watch our DIY PR Workshop linked here.